March 26, 2010

Happy Birthday PDRM!

I just do not sure why but I really like this movie. From the movie's plot, the script, the background music...everthing. Will never miss if it is aired in national TV. I even have a DVD collection that I seldomly use. When most people talks about Avatar, V3 Samseng Jalanan etc, for me its either P. Ramlee's movies or BUKIT KEPONG!

In conjunction with PDRM's 203rd anniversary, RTM2 aired the movie again yesterday night. Personally, I must admit the movie was very motivating, might lead to hatred in certain part (not neccessary if you channel it in a positive ways) but still my fav movie sepanjang zaman...At some point (with the sound of gun and bombs, and when Sgt Jamil Mohd Shah refused to surrender and yelled "..kami orang-orang polis takkan menyerah, biar kami mati di sini. Bukit Kepong menjadi tanah kubur kami!!..") I wish I'm one of the policeman at the Balai Polis Bukit Kepong, Muar that night. Feb 23rd, 1950 the bloody Bukit Kepong tragedy witnessed a total 25 policeman and their families (including 3 children) died in the hand of Communist Party of Malaya.

Of late, PDRM has been whacked left and right. No doubt some might due to their own mistakes, but most of it must be from political agendas. For them just do your job and do it proudly. Just remember how proud Sgt Jamil and his other policeman bertempur selama lebih 4 jam mempertahankan Balai Polis Bukit Kepong (obviously not only the police station but the true spirit in fighting for nation). Tapi janganlah juga terlalu angkuh dengan apa yang ada kerana telah ramai MAT INDERA yang berada di sekeliling kita.

To those who died in that tragedy, I pray that your soul be placed among the pious. Al Fatihah!

P/s - All my kids watched the movie till the end. Tahniah pada Tan Sri Jins Shamsuddin diatas penganugerahan Ijazah Kehormat Kedoktoran dari Universiti Utara Malaysia. Your Bukit Kepong is a masterpiece!

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