December 26, 2011

26th Dec Workshop

Dec 26th, when almost everyone is with their loved one finishing the last few days of 2011, I on the other handy got to be with the participants of UTP Filing System Workshop here in Cameron Highland. Don't get me wrong thou, I do like these kind of workshop-ping. It's just that this week supposedly to be rrthe only week that I could take leave before the start of new year (and before I lost all my right to complete my leave for 2011).

Lets not talk so much on the sobbing part. I was invited to this workshop in replacing En SAN. I do feel honor when he asked me to reps him but at the same time I just could not imagine the expectation that will arise from the audience. Eventually and thankfully, the session went smoothly. Below is the excerpt from my opening speech for the workshop: -
The UTP Filing System, as I have been informed, is an initiative and effort to establish a proper file management which will include not only filing procedures but also developing a proper storing, retrieval and archiving system. Theoretically, if your office is in a mess and you don’t know where to start when it comes to filing away all the files and documents, you have got a real problem on your hands. If this is the situation, it won’t be an easy task to sort the mess out. It is for this reason that I believe it is necessary that you need some kind of office filing or shelving system that keeps your office organized.
Documents need to be filed away in a proper order so that when a particular document is needed it can be found in no time. Offices are required to store files and documents so they cannot just be thrown away. These may include records of the daily transactions that the university has made throughout the years, all the accounts and reports, important minutes of meeting as well as the shareholders details. If these important documents are kept in a haphazard way, the univer-sity will not be able to find them when they are required. These documents may also be needed as proof, in case the univer-sity is involved in Research Univer-sity audit for instant or perhaps some kind of a law suit.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, UTP telah menerima penarafan Tier 5 di bawah Sistem Penarafan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia (SETARA 2009). Penarafan ini secara langsung telah mengiktiraf proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran di UTP sebagai berstatus cemerlang. Pada 2012 ini, satu lagi proses audit SETARA yang melibatkan bukan hanya satu tapi dua audit iaitu SETARA dan D-SETARA akan dijalankan. Sejajar dengan hasrat dan objektif UTP untuk meningkatkan mutu dan aktiviti penyelidikan dan inovasi, pihak universiti juga telah meletakkan sasaran tahun 2013 untuk mendapatkan status Universiti Penyelidikan.

Bagi ketiga-tiga proses audit di atas, SETARA, D-SETARA dan Universiti Penyelidikan - memerlukan satu mekanisma atau system pengurusan file yang berkesan. Tujuan utama pengurusan file yang berkesan adalah untuk mempromosikan budaya perkongsian maklumat dan dalam pada masa yang sama memudahkan urusan kerja sedia ada seperti mudahcara pengaksesan data, penyimpanan rekod, analisis data, trend dan sebagainya.

UTP’s achievements especially in the area of teaching and learning for the past couple of years back have been tremendously increasing. As support staff, we need to ‘run’ as fast as the other counterpart i.e. the academic. Otherwise, we will be left behind and will not be able to ‘taste’ the victory when the times come. In realizing this, ITMS, under the good hand of previous and current Senior Managers, En Naziri and En Sabri respectively has come out with the SharePoint initiative, i.e. the electronic based total solutions of UTP filing and record management. SharePoint is a web-based intranet that can help improve one’s effectiveness by allowing us to set up centralised data to be used, edited and shared. Most importantly, this initiative ensures that records are able to be retrieved as and when needed. Therefore, filing management, both paper and electronic, as well as physical record, are of paramount important.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The next few years are expected to be challenging ones for us in realizing our aspiration to become Research Univer-sity by 2013 and beyond. Therefore, I would like to urge every single one of us to play the dual role of not only an implementer but at the same time a leader in our very own way. We need to have the drive and motivation and most importantly the perseverance in doing the job tasked to us.

Saya sesungguhnya berasa envy dengan segala usaha dan dedikasi yang tuan-tuan dan puan-puan tunjukkan kerana saya telah dimaklumkan bahawa initiatif UTP Filing System ini telah bermula semenjak Mac 2011 lagi. Inilah dia contoh drive dan perseverance yang saya maksudkan tadi. Congratulations to the Staff Internal Training and Development Group (SITDG), Puan Anne and gang, Information Resource Centre, led by En Naziri, Cik Syarifah and their team members, En Sabri, Cik Maniza and ITMS staff for the effortless work especially in the SharePoint initiatives and last but not least, all the participants of this workshop. I hope all of you will go back and implement the filing system in your respective department, fully in assisting the univer-sity to achieve its aspirations.

To the organizing committee, my deepest congratulations on the work done and I hope the two-and-half-day workshop will be fruitful and succeed. Thank you for inviting me to this workshop.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, saya bagi mewakili En SAN, merasmikan pembukaan workshop on UTP Filing System.

P/s - performance wise? Bolehla...ape celup tokkk!!

1 comment:

Yuyun said...

mana entry baru??

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